Friday, November 30, 2012

Buy Cabot Cheese Without Bovine Growth Hormones

It seems that most of the cheese (and the milk for that matter) available now-a-days has come from cows that have been fed bovine growth hormones (rBGH) and antibiotics.

I love cheese and I do eat a lot of it.  So, seeing I want to eat healthily, I have been looking around for cheese without bovine growth hormones and without antibiotics.    

And I found it!   Cabot brand cheddar cheese is from Vermont cows that are raised without these hormones and antibiotics.   It now even says it on the wrappers:

They have many types of cheddar types - mild or light, sharp, medium, specially aged and flavored.  Be aware that currently, Cabot's other types of cheeses other than their Vermont cheddar varieties, currently do or may contain growth hormones (I am not sure when that will change) - but their cheddar cheese is rBGH free.

 You can read about how Cabot cheese is processed at their website page:  Cabot Cheese FAQ