Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How I Treat My Cat's Feline Mosquito Allergy, also known as Feline Mosquito Nose

I have a cat named Willow who is allergic to mosquitoes.

She loves to goes outside during the day and we bring her in the house around 9:00pm at night. Her most favorite thing to do in the world, is to go outside. She patrols our yard, looks at birds, chases anoles (which are little lizards) and takes plenty of naps. Unfortunately, she is allergic to mosquitoes, and because we live in southern Florida - there are mosquitoes year round. PLUS - we get mosquitoes during the daytime too!!!

With cats, the way to tell if they are allergic to mosquitoes is on their face - especially their nose!! When they bite them there, the cats will scratch their nose until it is raw (see photo - it can even get worse than this - like raw meat!!)

Willow with mosquito nose - not too bad

Willow with mosquito nose - very bad

My veteranarian told me there was nothing they could do but keep her in at dusk and at dawn (however we tend to get mosquitos like I said - all day long).
So, in trying to find a treatment for her, after experimenting on her for several years, I finally found the answer.

(1) Homeopathic remedy - CINA 30 c - I order this from WashingtonHomeopathy.com. I add around 10 pellets to a half ounce of water and let them dissolve, and give it to her orally once or twice a day, when the mosquitoes are bothering her. I use a 1/2 ounce bottle with a plastic dropper. This remedy's rubrics or list of symptoms includes - itching, rubs nose constantly, and lies on abdomen (well, most cats do that).

(2) Apply Extra Virgin Olive oil to the nose. The oil on her nose discourages the mosquitoes from landing there. If she licks it off, some of it still remains to keep the mossies off. I keep a little bottle of it by the door and dab it on her nose before she goes out. Sometimes I put it on her twice a day.

(3) If she has scratched her nose raw, I put on Calendula gel or ointment at night. This homeopathic remedy helps her nose to heal.

Best thing is that after using these treatments for 2 to 3 years, she does not seem to be allergic to mosquitoes anymore!!!

NOTE: NEVER USE PERMETHRINS ON CATS!!! On dogs and horses only -you could use Permethrins to deter the mosquitoes - but it is severely TOXIC and potentially fatal to cats - so NEVER USE THIS ON CATS!
Disclaimer: I do not provide medical advise or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine.   The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Consult your veterinarian before following anything you have read on this website.    See my full medical disclaimer under Terms of Use.


  1. Hi Michelle

    My cat is also allergic to mozzies! I only found out this year after moving from Melbourne, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand and his nose suddenly started scabbing up.
    He has had a cortisone shot and that seems to be helping but I want to do more for him.
    Has Willow fully recovered from her allergy?
    thank you :)

  2. I had to continue with the cina and the olive oil on Willow yearly - but each year I had to give her the Cina less and less often. Unfortunately, Willow has passed away now. :(

  3. If you don't mind. How many drops are you giving? Or are you giving the whole 1/2 oz? I am at my wits end with my cat and mosquitoes! I appreciate the information and am eager to try it.

    1. Hi Jerri, I just gave her a couple of drops from the plastic dropper once or twice a day.

    2. Sorry you lost Willow. Thanks so much for posting your remedy. My Cina 30c came in yesterday. I hope this helps along with his olive oil face! LOL

    3. Hi Jerri & Michelle. I have a cat, Miss Bear, in Houston and am having a terrible time with her mosquito allergy. She is an outside cat (refuses to get used to being indoors) so she has a terrible mosquito allergy every summer. She's had way too much cortisone so we are looking for a more natural remedy. Can you tell me how you know to give her the Cina. I guess anytime the mosquito allergy is active?

      Vicki in Houston

    4. Hi Vicki, Yes, I gave the remedy to her whenever the mosquitoes started biting her!

  4. I was just talking to my hubby tonight about this. We were sitting outside and he said I am going inside b/c I am getting eaten up. I said oh, I have been wondering if there were less mosquitoes b/c Archie (my cat) is looking so much better. I don't see as many bumps on his ears and the sores on his face are healing. Hubby said he noticed how much better he was looking also. Archie still goes out most of the day and both cats love to go out after dinner sadly close to dusk. I have been giving the Cina30c mixture since my post at the beginning of June. I still have mosquitoes but he is not being bitten as much. Michelle thank you so much for the info! I can't thank you enough. Vicki I live in south Louisiana.....bug heaven. I say give it a try. I will continue to give until it starts to cool here probably Oct then stop and start again in Feb so it can be in his system by spring.

  5. Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for these ideas. I always have EVOO on hand and decided to try that alone for my 13 year old tabby who has suffered horribly from mosquito bit hypersensitivity for YEARS! Imagine my utter surprise that in only a few days of use, his ears and nose look almost normal and he does not seem to be getting any additional bites. I almost feel bad that I had something so readily available and on hand all this time and never knew to use it. I'd recommend trying just the EVOO first and adding other things if that alone doesn't work. Amazing!

    1. Im going try the EVOO today..our (Mama Girl) gets a lot of bites.and her ears look sooo bad...I hope this helps her. Our male cat doesn't seem to be bothered by them..

    2. Im going try the EVOO today..our (Mama Girl) gets a lot of bites.and her ears look sooo bad...I hope this helps her. Our male cat doesn't seem to be bothered by them..

  6. As you mentioned 'I add around 10 pellets to a half ounce of water and let them dissolve, and give it to her orally once or twice a day, when the mosquitoes are bothering her. I use a 1/2 ounce bottle with a plastic dropper.'. It this dosage for 1 day? I appreciate your comments. Do you mix with wet food?

  7. Thanks for this really nice and helpful article,
    .mosquito treatment

  8. Hello I did some research on the cina 30c and it says it is used for kids with behavioral problems. Is it safe to give it to my cat who has an allergy. And also I just purchased it because I am willing to try ANYTHING for my cat "Lily" she is in really bad shape her nose is skinned raw her ears have big bumps. I can't keep her inside because my daughter has a severe allergy to cats. Is this really going to work?
    I preferred the liquid cina 30c drops how much do I give her and how many times a day

  9. Do I mix the liquid cina 30c with water and if so how many drops do I mix with the water

  10. Using the liquid drops of cina 30c do I mix it with water and if so how many drops do I use how much water

  11. How did you determine the dosage of cina 30c? I'm in central Florida and the mosquitos are 24/365. Sounds like something worth trying but I want some more background.

  12. My cat has mosquito bite sensitivity too. It drove both the cat an I crazy until I discovered catnip. Living in the subtropical north of New Zealand his flareups start in spring (Sept) and last through till the end of Autumn (April/May). He would scratch his nose until raw and infected. It was awful and costly as I had many visits to the vet for antibiotics.
    Steroids are a short term solution but because of the horrible side effects are not an ideal long term solution and my vet was reluctant to use them. I needed to find something that would work long term. Research pointed me in the direction of catnip. It is said to have repellent, anti pruritic and anti inflammatory properties and as far as I was able to tell, the worst side effects for the cat would be euphoria and in the rare case of over consumption - diarrhea/vomiting. I've been using the catnip by crushing the fresh leaves between my fingers and rubbing the leaves and juice directly on the cats nose. It seems to stop the itching and calms any swelling. I keep him inside until the sun is well up and try to get him in before dusk. This avoids the periods of the day when mosquitoes are most active. Before he goes out I rub the crushed catnip leaves and juice on his nose and around his head. Hes not fond of it but lets me do it. He associates it with being allowed outside and runs to the door as soon as I'm done. If I'm home I will dose him several times throughout the day. Any bites he does get do not seem to flare and swell as much as before and if I notice him scratching I rub a little on the lesions. To date I haven't noticed any adverse effects and my cat is much happier and his nose looks almost normal. Its early days yet, I have been using it for 2 months, but compared to last year he is so much better.

  13. Can't thank you enough!!! My poor baby is 14 and has dealt with this for her whole life. The vet just gives her a steriod shot! FINALLY because of your post I am able to give her relief! She's an outdoor kitty, so I am keeping her on the screened porch at night, putting Calendula lotion on her nose and ears, putting Bach Flower Rescue Remedy in her water (couldn't find CINA), and spraying a lemongrass and lavender oil blend on my hands and wiping it on her fur. She looks SO MUCH better in only 10 days time. God bless you for sharing !
